This is not a drill.

So, the day is almost here. On Sunday 27th June, at midday, I will be ordained deacon in Derby Cathedral by Bishop Libby Lane. (Assuming COVID doesn’t throw any more spanners into the works…)

I’ve arrived at pre-ordination retreat (and will get off the internet once I’ve written this!) and am about to spend the next few days here with others who are being ordained deacon or priest this weekend. Mercifully, grandparents have come to the rescue at home! The logistical requirements of two boys are significant πŸ™‚

What a journey it’s been (not getting here, that was less than half an hour). I’m so profoundly grateful to all those who have helped this happen, to those who’ve happily accompanied me and the family, and to those who, as I’ve trained at Queen’s, have journeyed with me. We as a family were given a lovely send off from our Link Church (in fact, you could even watch our final service there, along with my sermon, at though I think you’ll have to be logged into Facebook for it to work!)

The ordination should be livestreamed here: Ordination of Deacons SUNDAY 12.00 noon – YouTube It should also be available for a few days afterwards. I’d love to have invited everybody to the service, but of course that wasn’t possible, particularly this year. But hey, this way, you can watch me over your roast dinner, and you wouldn’t have been able to have a roast dinner in a cathedral pew, so it’s not all bad!

I’m feeling all sorts of everything at the moment. I guess ‘apprehensive’ is a good word to describe much of it, but I’m also really looking forward not just to the service but to seeing how this all looks in practice, when the rubber hits the road. At some point, I’ll write about my new parish that I’ll be a curate in, but that’s definitely for another time.

In the absence of a visitors’ book at a big after-service bash, feel free to leave comments below! And I’d really value your prayers for me and the family, and for those who are being ordained alongside me. I’ll see you on the other side!

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4 Responses to This is not a drill.

  1. frmary66 says:

    I thought you were going to sleep this afternoon, not blog….!!! πŸ˜ƒ

  2. Rosie Moss says:

    Go well Nick. I hope you will enjoy your retreat.
    Feeling apprehensive is natural but you are never alone.
    God bless you and keep you as you journey on. Rosie x

  3. Vikki Day says:

    Wishing you many blessings on your retreat and for the ordination service. Prayers for you and the family. I hope the day is all you hope it to be and more and here’s to the many new beginnings. :o)

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